useScreenSize React Hook

React hook to listen for changes in the screen width
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; const MOBILE_CUTOFF = 420; // largest mobile screen width const DESKTOP_CUTOFF = 1024; // smallest desktop screen width const DEFAULT_SIZE = { width: 1024, height: 1000 }; function getWindowDimensions() { if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { const { innerWidth: width, innerHeight: height } = window; return { width, height, }; } else { return DEFAULT_SIZE; } } export default function useWindowDimensions() { const [windowDimensions, setWindowDimensions] = useState(getWindowDimensions()); useEffect(() => { function handleResize() { setWindowDimensions(getWindowDimensions()); } window.addEventListener('resize', handleResize); return () => window.removeEventListener('resize', handleResize); }, []); return { ...windowDimensions, isDesktop: windowDimensions.width >= DESKTOP_CUTOFF, isMobile: windowDimensions.width < MOBILE_CUTOFF, }; }


import useWindowDimensions from './useWindowDimensions'; const Header: React.FC<HeaderProps> = (props) => { const { isDesktop, isMobile } = useWindowDimensions(); return ( <div style={{ width: isDesktop ? '400px' : '100%' }}> <p style={{ fontSize: isMobile ? 12 : 14 }}>Here's some text</p> </div> ); };