Hi, I'm Danny

I started coding my freshman year at college in a required course for mechanical engineers. The class used a relatively boring, matrix-based language called Matlab. Nevertheless I loved it, changed my major to C.S. and my interests have revolved around software ever since.

For work I've built Chrome extensions and web apps, APIs and AWS infrastructure. Personally and professionally I've handled authentication, CI/CD, database migrations, E2E testing, and UI/UX.

Originally I made this site because I wanted to show off my side projects. I've also heard good things about TailwindCSS and I thought this would be a good way to kill two birds at once, or whatever.


About this site

I built this website using NextJS and deployed it using Vercel, the company behind NextJS. It's my new favorite way to make websites because you can use React with server-side rendering, which is a boost to performance and SEO. Checkout the PageSpeed Insights on this site.


Credit to Theodorus Clarence's Next.js + Tailwind CSS + TypeScript starter project that let me hit the ground running. It comes with features and components that you'd normally copy-paste from a previous project, like settings up TailwindCSS and a customizable Link component. It also comes with linting rules pre-configured with Husky, and an <Seo /> component that can simplify the tags for different pages.

I was reluctant to use a template for my personal website, but it removed the need for so much boilerplate code that I couldn't pass it up.