Encryption vs. Encoding vs. Hashing - with examples in Node.js

Danny Hines

Danny Hines • 6 min read

Posted Nov 15, 2022

Encoding, Encryption and Hashing are all terms that mean “turning data into other data”. But they’re all different, and when we’re talking about software, small differences can have big ramifications. So here’s a quick rundown of the difference between the three along with examples using native Node.js libraries.

TL;DR: Encoding is when you convert data into a string that can easily be converted back, encryption is like encoding but the output is random and you need a password to convert it back, and hashing converts data into the same output every time (a hash), but it can’t be converted back.


Encoding means converting data into a specialized format so it's easier to deal with. It’s useful when you want to convert your weird blob of data to a string to put it in a database, or for reducing the size of the data (i.e. audio and video files).

For audio and video, each file format has a corresponding program called a codec that is used to encode it into the appropriate format and then decodes it so the data can be read.

Encoding strings can be accomplished with a Buffer, which is a data structure that converts the data into a stream of bytes that can easily be converted to different encodings ("ascii", "utf8", "base64" or "hex”). Here’s an example taking string of JSON and encoding it with the “base64” encoding type:

let data = { person: { name: 'Danny', friends: [] } }; let dataString = JSON.stringify(data); // Create a Buffer object let bufferObj = Buffer.from(dataString, 'utf8'); // Encode the Buffer as a base64 string let base64String = bufferObj.toString('base64'); console.log('Base64 encoded:', base64String); // Base64 encoded: eyJwZXJzb24iOnsibmFtZSI6IkRhbm55IiwiZnJpZW5kcyI6W119fQ==

To encode the string we create a Buffer from it using the utf8 or Unicode encoding type, which is basically how a computer encodes the keyboard characters into bytes. Then we use the Buffer.toString() function with the base64 encoding type, which returns the Base64 version of our string.

Then to decode we do the opposite: create a Buffer with the base64-encoded string and decode it back into Unicode.

let newBufferObj = Buffer.from(base64String, 'base64'); let decodedString = newBufferObj.toString('utf8'); console.log('The decoded data:', JSON.parse(decodedString)); // The decoded data: { person: { name: 'Danny', friends: [] } }

Encoding is for transmitting or storing data, not keeping it secure. That is - if someone can tell it’s base64 encoded, then they can easily decode it. Which brings us to the next topic…


Encryption is the two-way process of turning readable text into unreadable Ciphertext, which can be converted back to the original data using a password or key. This is useful for sending messages without the risk of third-parties being able to read it.

There are two ways to encrypt data: symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Symmetric encryption uses one key that is shared between all the people who are sending or receiving encrypted information. Asymmetric encryption, or public key encryption, uses two keys: one for encrypting information and one for decrypting it. The decryption key is kept private, while the encryption key is shared publicly.

For this example we’re using the built-in crypto module and the Cipher class to encrypt data.

const { scrypt, randomFill, createCipheriv } = require('node:crypto'); const msg = "Here's a super secret message to encrypt"; const algorithm = 'aes-192-cbc'; const password = 'Password used to generate key'; // First, we'll generate the key. The key length is dependent on the algorithm. // In this case for aes192, it is 24 bytes (192 bits). scrypt(password, 'salt', 24, (err, key) => { if (err) throw err; // Then, we'll generate a random initialization vector randomFill(new Uint8Array(16), (err, iv) => { if (err) throw err; const cipher = createCipheriv(algorithm, key, iv); let encrypted = cipher.update(msg, 'utf8', 'hex'); encrypted += cipher.final('hex'); console.log(encrypted); }); });

Here we’re using the AES encryption algorithm, which is a symmetric encryption algorithm because it uses the same key for encrypting and decrypting. In this case, the sender and the receiver will both use the same secret key.

In general, the strength of the encryption is based on how difficult it is to guess the key. To obscure the results we use an initialization vector (similar to a salt) which is a random chunk of data that serves as the initial state of the output. The IV gets stored with the output, allowing the person with the key to decrypt the message while making it harder for a hacker to crack it.


With a hashing algorithm, the data is converted to a unique "digest", “fingerprint” or “signature”, which is a random string. But unlike with encoding and encryption the output can’t be converted back to the original.

This algorithm is awesome because while it’s impossible to guess the input, it will always produce the same result, or hash. This is useful for storing passwords in a database, for example, because you can ensure that the password they typed is correct without saving the password itself.

const { createHash } = require('node:crypto'); const msg = "Here's a super secret message to hash"; const hash = createHash('sha256').update(msg).digest('hex'); console.log(hash); // 3e0e072b5af9cf7dd022e507bbcea46ea8e0054311b713e0129937ef60cf3f4c

Theoretically, it sounds like it should be possible to figure out the input by trying random inputs and seeing if it matches the hash you're trying to guess. Assuming the passwords are random and not "Password123", it would take a little while to guess. The SHA-256 hash is 32 bytes (256 bits) long, so there are a total of 2^256 possible SHA-256 hashes. That is 10^77, or a 1 followed by 77 zeros. Assuming the password could be 25 digits long, it would take billions of years to come up with a valid guess - even if you used expensive, state-of-the-art computers.

For a more absurd example, let's say all the computers powering the Bitcoin network worked together to crack a SHA-256 hash. Collectively the computers would guess around 15 trillion hashes per second, meaning it would take about 650 million years to guess a valid password. And because multiple passwords can result in the same hash, the guess would probably be wrong anyway. Changing one character will result in a completely different hash, which makes it even harder. So yeah, it’s really hard to guess.

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